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85-G31 ~ Galatians 1:17 continued

Gary Googe Nov 05

How do works play into one’s salvation? We’ve been looking at a list of things people do to gain their salvation. We’re addressing the question of why Christ would have to go through the suffering of the cross if people could achieve their salvation on their own. The fact is that man was in a hopeless and helpless situation. Apart from God doing something, no salvation could be gained. But the fact is, God DID do something. That’s the gospel–the good news.  He sent Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for our sins through His death, burial, and resurrection. So on this video I continue with a list I started, showing that no matter what man does, he cannot save himself. If God doesn’t to it, it doesn’t get done.
On this video I continue looking at more things people do to attempt to qualify for heaven. I answer the question–If Jesus Christ asked you why He should let you into heaven, what would you say? There are many things people rely on apart from what Jesus Christ provided through His death, burial and resurrection. I address many of these on this video. I hope you find it helpful. If you haven’t put your faith in Christ alone, I hope you will now.

In this video, I also address certain things said in the book of James regarding the place of works in salvation.  I here address the issue of how all the Bible is FOR us but it is not all TO us.  This is something especially important concerning the means to one’s salvation because what you find in the book of James and other books outside the writings of the apostle Paul are not TO us.  They are FOR our understanding, but not our application.  James and others do not present the death, burial, and resurrection as the means to one’s salvation.  This is the case in James 2:17 and following.  We’ll look at that passage and see how as per James 1 it was addressed to Israel, not us today.  We’ll go from the writings of James to the writings of Paul.  They are different!  We then close out by looking at Ephesians 2:8-9, Galatians 2:16, Titus 3:5 and Romans 4:4-5.

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