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#86-G32 ~ Galatians 1:15-16 – A review, plus more

Gary Googe Dec 03

We begin with the gospel God has given to us for salvation in our time–I Corinthians 15:1-4. Then we go to Galatians 1:15 where we have comments about Paul’s commissioning. Then we go to Jeremiah 1:4-8 where we see comments made about the prophet Jeremiah’s commissioning. In both cases, God had a plan for these men that He pursued. In our case today, God has a mission for us, too.
Then we look at Galatians 1:16. As believers, we’re ALL in the ministry, a position of service for our Lord. Our objective, and that of all believers, is to represent Christ in our life. To represent Him well, we must be familiar with that message given to the apostle Paul, the mystery truths. If we ARE familiar with it, we get positioned to represent Christ well, as what Paul speaks of as ambassadors.
We then look at Ephesians 6:18-20, ending with three important questions:
1. If someone asked you what they must do to be saved, could you tell them?
2. Could you answer someone’s questions about the gospel?
3. If you don”t know and couldn’t tell them, how do you know YOU are saved?
These are all very important questions that we should all be able to readily answer and explain.

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