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Showing posts related to : Galatians
#93-G39 ~ Galatians 2 and Acts 15

The Dispensation of which we are a part today is called the Dispensation of the Grace of God. This is a period of history that ...

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85-G31 ~ Galatians 1:17 continued

How do works play into one’s salvation? We’ve been looking at a list of things people do to gain their salvation. We’re addressing the question ...

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#84-G30 ~ Galatians 1:17 continued

We continue our study as we note the confusion that exists today about OUR gospel, the gospel of the uncircumsion and the gospel of the ...

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#83-G29 ~ Galatians 1:17 continued

We continue our study of showing that the gospels Paul and Peter preached were not the same. There’s contrast between the two. We have Paul’s ...

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#76-G22 ~ Galatians 1:5-6a

In this study we take a look at Romans 16:27 and I Corinthians 10:31 where we see that it is God who gets all the ...

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Gospel: Is OUR gospel in “the four gospels”?

That may look like a silly question.  But have you ever thought about it? In answer to the question, I think many people would say, ...

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#72-G18 ~ Galatians 1:2-3a

We go back for a brief review of Acts 2:38 and discuss the concept of repentance and baptism, both of which were required at that ...

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#70-G16 ~ Galatians 1:2c

The apostle Paul became the first member of what is now called the body of Christ.  1 Timothy 1:15-16 clearly states this.  Until then he ...

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#66-G12 Galatians 1:1 continued

Here we continue with our look at the three categories of apostles found in the apostle Paul’s writings. 1. The Twelve Apostles – Matthew 10:1-5 ...

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#65-G11 ~ Galatians 1:1 continued

Here we will look at the three categories of apostles found in the apostle Paul’s writings. 1. The Twelve Apostles – Matthew 10:1-5 Here we ...

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