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92-G38 ~ Christmas Special in the Galatians Series

Gary Googe Dec 25

Isn’t Christmas a time of gift-giving? It surely is! But how do we determine WHO we’re going to give to and how do we determine HOW MUCH we’ll spend on the gift? These are questions we all ask at one time or another.  Question:  Doesn’t MERIT tend to play into this? Isn’t it true that so much of our giving, even at Christmas, is based on merit.  Is that really a GIFT then? Isn’t it more like a wage or reward for certain works performed? Yet we find that when it comes to salvation, the Bible speaks of that as a GIFT, something free, something not deserved.  Because we’re so geared to think as we do, people tend to think of salvation as something that must be earned.  But we find in the Scriptures that salvation isn’t spoken of as a wage or something earned or deserved, but as a GIFT of God that is truly FREE.

In this video, I point out that salvation truly is a GIFT.  If you’re to have it, you MUST see it that way.  We find in the Scriptures that salvation does not come to anyone by works, but by grace through FAITH ALONE.  Ephesians 2:8-9 and many other passages speak of this.

Other matters I deal with in this video is how God determines who will receive this GIFT of salvation He provides.  A second part of this is the question of whether God picks the recipients the way we do.  Apparently there are many who think so.  But what about that? I deal with all this and more on this video.  I hope you find it helpful.

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