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Showing posts related to : Salvation
#238-EP38 ~ How can a person qualify for Heaven?

We now move into a passage of Scripture that deals with the most controversial subject of the Bible– What must a person DO or BELIEVE ...

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Salvation:  What part do we play in obtaining it?

First, we need to be sure we understand the meaning of salvation.  What exactly are we saved from? Here’s a good starter verse on that—  ...

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Sin:  Does it cause you to question your salvation?

Another way of stating this is to ask—Does the presence of personal sin in your life ever cause you to wonder if you’re truly saved. ...

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#232-EP32 ~ How does one pass from death unto life?

Ephesians 2:1 begins with this, taking us from physical life to spiritual life.  We begin with this on this video and go from there.

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Forgiveness:  WHEN does it get provided?

What a wonderful blessing our forgiveness is! Ephesians 1:7 7 In [EN = in or by (the dative of means case)] whom WE HAVE redemption through ...

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Family: Why can it be so hard to reach them? 

If our Lord found it difficult to reach His earthly family with the truth, why would you think it would be easy for you to ...

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#218-EP18 ~ 5 Important questions about Ephesians 1:7 & a study of Romans 3:19-31 4Us2UsMinistries.com

5 Questions: 1. What happened at the cross? 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by ...

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Calvinists:  Can they honestly present the gospel message? 

In presenting the gospel message to people, isn’t an essential part of that to tell them God provided a way of salvation for them so ...

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#216–EP16 ~ A Life with Purpose

Here we continue with still another blessing we all have as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. 14 – He gives us PURPOSE in living. ...

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#214-EP14 ~ After covering 8 we’ll look at 4 more blessings we all receive at salvation.

What a blessed people we are! After a brief review we continue with our study of all these blessings we gained at our salvation. 1-Knowledge ...

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