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#149-G95 ~ Galatians 4:5b

Gary Googe Feb 03

I begin by pointing out the distortions that exist today regarding the way people can get to Heaven. I point out that God has taken the initiative to provide way so that ANYONE can be saved. All this centers around the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All the work has been done, but man must respond with faith to be saved from everlasting condemnation and punishment.

We begin with a review of Ephesians 2:8-9 where we see that salvation is a gift, not earned or deserved by anyone. Then we look at this next verse, verse ten where we see that works should be produced by us, but AFTER we are saved.

We then go to I Corinthians 3:1-3 where we see that even after we’ve been saved we still sin. No one should be surprised at that because we’ve all been born with a nature to sin. And we still have that sinful nature AFTER we’ve been saved. That’s not to say we have to sin, but we will sin. Spiritual growth is about being learning to be obedient to God instead of our nature to sin. But this is a process that takes time and faithful intake of God’s word into our thinking. If we don’t do this, we’ll end up living like unbelievers. Our objective is to do the contrary. Our objective needs to be to grow in the wisdom of God’s word so that we may know how God desires for us to think and live. 2 Timothy 3:16 shows us this solution to our sin problem. We then spend some time on that verse.

I then note several important questions every believe needs to address. 1–By what sin can a person lose their salvation? Answer: They can’t! 2–Is there a sin Christ didn’t pay for on the cross? Answer: No! They were all in the future when Christ died for them. And a person can’t even get saved without accepting the fact that Christ died for his sins on the cross, paying the complete penalty that was due for them. Altogether this means they were all forgiven at the cross. Therefore, when a person accepts this, it is not forgiveness of sins they receive, it is the righteousness of God that they receive. Christ’s perfect righteousness is credited to them and they are then said to be justified. And it is this justification status that makes them then saved and Heaven bound. No works on our part have anything to do with it. Instead, it is the work of Christ that is the basis for our salvation. I then close out with some time on 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 which spells all this out for us. Then 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 shows the mechanics of this.

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