#148-G94 ~ Galatians 4:5a
Our subject in this lesson is primarily that of REDEMPTION. This is to do with the fact that as sinners we were all slaves to our sinful nature. But through what Christ accomplished through bearing our sins a work of redemption has been done.
1 Peter 1:18-19 is the first passage we note in this study. Here I talk about the way God depicted this in Old Testament times through the animal sacrifices that were offered. I then relate those sacrifices to what Christ did to fulfill the need all that represented. Christ PAID in FULL the debt, the price that was due. When anyone accepts this work by faith, their salvation is completely provided and secured. Is this what most people do? No, it is not! But unless someone sees Christ as the sole basis for their salvation, salvation is not provided. If you accept this, you’ll be an exception, for most people, even church-goers, are not doing this.
I then go to the quite popular passage on this–John 3:16. I then point out that there’s nothing in that verse that states the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Therefore, that passage is not talking about the means to our salvation today. The subject there is to do with the “name,” the IDENTITY of this Jesus of Nazareth as it relates to Israel. I then explain all this.
I then go on to explain clearly why the writings of the apostle Paul are so important to us today above all other parts of the Bible. I then relate some other passages to all this–Romans 5:8, 1Timothy 2:6, 1 John 2:2, and Ephesians 2:8-9. I hope you find the study helpful.