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#146-G92 Galatians 4:1-5

Gary Googe Jan 13

I begin with a series of comments about being a good STUDENT of the Word of God, studying it with the realization that while all Scripture is FOR us, it is not all TO us or ABOUT us. I then begin our study of Galatians 4:1 and the following verses which take us into a study of things pertaining to redemption and adoption in the ancient world. Paul takes these subjects and relates them to us and our relationship with God. Adoption for a child meant they’d stepped into a position of privilege. And that’s what happened to us when we got saved. The two main subjects we’ll look at in this passage will be the subjects of redemption and adoption. It was our redemption that paved the way for our adoption. Ephesians 1:7 & Titus 2:14 are two passages we’ll study in this lesson. I hope you find it all quite helpful.

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