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#147-G93 ~ Galatians 4:5 – The Doctrine of Redemption

Gary Googe Jan 20

I begin with a brief review of what we noted in verse four. God loved us a enough to send us a Savior. What a wonderful expression of His love that was! Here I talk about the process God used to bring that about.

Here I get into a study of the subject of Redemption. As you may have noticed, I now have an article on our website explaining exactly what this means. The name of the article is–Redemption: What does it mean for us? I hope you’ll take the time to read it and study it. On this video I go through a series of questions with answers about the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. I think you’ll find it all quite helpful. Redemption and adoption are the primary items discussed in this passage. My emphasis on this video is redemption. Colossians 2:14 & Galatians 3:13 are two other passages we’ll note concerning this.

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