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#101-G47 ~ Galatians 2 continued

Gary Googe Feb 25

We continue here with some sideline issues related to our Galatians 2 passage.  The subject we begin with is to do with the DIFFERENCES that exist between OUR message today and that of ISRAEL.  Unfortunately the world, even most believers don’t see the differences in Scripture.  As we’ve noted so many times, ALL Scripture is FOR us but it is not all TO us or ABOUT us.  What a very important piece of information that is!

Here we note that it is the writings of the apostle Paul that need to be mastered.  Only through his writings do we find OUR gospel, as well as many things pertaining to the Christian way of life for us today.

Galatians, as with many of Paul’s other epistles there’s a lot of CORRECTION contained in it.  Today most churches have run everything together as if it belonged together.  But Paul talks about the RIGHT DIVISION of Scripture, pointing out the importance of sorting those things out.  That’s needed for a correct understanding of our means to salvation today, as well as many things pertaining to the Christian way of life for our time.  Our objective needs to be to understand, know, and apply those principles of truth that are directed to us today.

Today we are free.  Israel, as per the Mosaic Law, was under the obligation to live under a long list of DOs and DON’TS.  But we don’t really have that today.  There are commands and prohibitions in Paul’s epistles for us, but nothing like what Israel was to comply with.

We here go into a study of Philippians 1:9-10.  In verse ten there a statement about “things that are excellent” in the KJV translation.  What’s this to do with? The word “excellent” comes from the Greek word–DIAPHERO which mean DIFFER.  Yes, there are things that DIFFER in Scripture.  There are things that were addressed specifically to Israel and there are things that a directed specifically to us today.  Sorting these things out is called rightly dividing Scriptures [from II Timothy 2:15].  I then go through a few of these differences and explain them.  There are many more that I don’t cover that can be found in my book–22 Key Promises you can count on.  It is available through our website– 4Us2UsMinistries.com


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