Most churchgoers would reply saying, “What do you mean which one? I thought there was just one gospel in the Bible.” Isn’t this what some ...
One might assume it came from the instruction and example of the Twelve Apostles. But is that what happened? What does the apostle Paul tell ...
This question about their message is one of the most important you’ll ever have to answer. If you don’t see some important differences, you’ll be ...
I begin with a comment about the fact that the apostle Paul’s gospel was not the same as the apostle Peter’s. Then I note some ...
We continue here with some sideline issues related to our Galatians 2 passage. The subject we begin with is to do with the DIFFERENCES that ...
We begin this study with more about II Timothy 2:15 and the concept about rightly dividing the Scriptures. This tells us that although the whole ...
I begin by discussing a basic principle many people don’t know. That principle is that ALL Scripture it FOR us, but it is not all ...
What is this “mystery” spoken of in the Bible by the apostle Paul? Romans 16:25 25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you ...
We continue here with our study in Galatians 2, but we also go to some other passages that are quite related–Acts 15-1-17, I Corinthians 12:13, ...
After a brief review, I get into addressing four questions. 1. Why did the apostle Paul address things the way he does in this passage ...
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