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#111-G57 ~ Galatians 2:19

Gary Googe May 12

In this session we note again that the Mosaic Law could not then or now provide anyone with salvation.  That Law simply always serves to show us that we need a savior.  That savior is the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is through faith in Him that we are able to gain the very righteousness of God by faith alone.  Romans 3:20-21 is a further development of this.  Romans 7:1 and following provides even more development of this.  The Law has its purpose, but it can’t provide salvation for anyone.  Faith placed in Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection alone is required.  As simple as this is for us, it is not a license for us to sin.  Instead, it provides the best of all reasons for our service to God.  We should always be grateful for what He’s done to make salvation a possibility for anyone.

Romans 5:6-11 is our next destination in this study.  Here I point out the need for sharing with others this information about what Christ has provided for all.  He did this so anyone can be saved at any time.  We, as believers, have been charged with the responsibility of sharing this information with others.  It is Christ’s work of reconciliation that needs to be shared.  There’s Romans 11:15 and, then, II Corinthians 5:18-21 which is the basic passage to be explained on this.  A work of reconciliation has been provided, but it must be believed for salvation to occur.  As misunderstood as this passage is, we must communicate it.  It is the heart of the good news message we have to share with others.

If man could saved himself, he wouldn’t need a Savior.  Ephesians 2:8-9 makes it plain that our works have nothing to do with it.  We have nothing to contribute to our salvation.  It is always about Christ and what He provided.  James 2:20 and the works mentioned there relate to a time before us.  But people like to refer to that passage to try to tell us that works are required for salvationn.  But that passage relates to Israel and a former program.  Our works today do not in any way count for our salvation.  Romans 3:20-25 shows us that the works of the Law have been set aside.  Again, our deeds don’t count for anything in our salvation.

Romans 4:4-5 is still another passage that points out how man’s works are excluded in salvation.  They count for NOTHING! Romans 11:6 is still more on this.  God’s grace alone is the issue in salvation.

I close the session by again covering I Corinthians 15:1-4.  Never get tired of speaking or hearing about this passage.  It needs to be quoted and explained again and again because of how people are so prone to add their own works to the means to one’s salvation.


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