#144-Galatians 3:26 continued
I begin with the important basics of the gospel concerning the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ which serves as God’s means for the salvation of anyone who would put their faith in Him. Our passage in verse twenty-six is talking about that as it relates to becoming a child of God. I explain how that happens. I note that faith in Christ puts us in the family of God. Physical birth happens once and so it is with spiritual birth, what is often spoken of as being born again. The apostle Paul, of course, also talks about this through many expressions [As in Galatians 3:26], regeneration, spoken of in Titus 3:5 being one of them. All this and more happens by grace through faith in Christ alone.
I then explain why the new birth is necessary in every generation. Without it there’s no salvation. In the midst of all that is what is called justification. We are said to be justified by faith. When a person puts their faith in Christ they are given the righteousness of God. That immediately results in this which is called justification. All too often people think salvation is about the forgiveness of sins. The reality is that forgiveness of sins happened for ALL at the cross when Christ paid the penalty due for them. Instead, it is justification and salvation itself that comes when someone simply believes the gospel message about God’s work in Christ.
In the video I fully address all these things and more. I go through Ephesians 2:1-5, Colossians 2:13-14, Galatians 4:27-29, and Romans 8:14-19. I hope you find it all quite helpful. For even more information about a multitude of things, please go to our website– 4Us2UsMinistries.com