I begin with a brief review of the fact that while all the Bible is FOR us it is not all TO us or about ...
Here the apostle Paul sets himself up as OUR example. The fact of the matter is that if you want to “follow Christ” today, you ...
Here I speak of what is sometimes called “the faith.” In this passage it represents what someone must do [or believe] to be saved and ...
The first step in spiritual growth is to be sure you are not just “religious,” but saved and heaven bound. This means you’ve been delivered ...
This is the man who is said to be the apostle of the Gentiles. Romans 11:13 13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I ...
I begin with some review on the gospel given to us and the principle given in II Timothy 2:15 that speaks of the importance of ...
I begin by discussing a basic principle many people don’t know. That principle is that ALL Scripture it FOR us, but it is not all ...
We begin a new and exciting chapter. Here Paul continues right on with his comments about this new gospel he’s been commissioned to proclaim, the ...
#82-G28 ~ On our website, 4Us2UsMinistries.com, you’ll now find an article giving 16 differences between Peter and Paul’s messages. It is called, Gospels: Did Peter ...
#81-G27 ~ If you don’t believe Peter & Paul were commissioned with different gospels, you will here be shown some of the MANY differences. Denominationalism ...
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