When works are mixed with grace, grace is canceled. The true means to salvation in our time is not provided. This happens many times. In ...
We all come from some background. This means we all have our beliefs about various things, including the Bible. What I found in my journey ...
This addresses those promises our Lord gave during His earthly ministry saying believers could have WHATEVER they requested in prayer. What are believers to think ...
This can be a very controversial subject. I find that most professing Christians do not know what God would have them believe about it.
Sometimes an expression of love doesn't LOOK like love at all, even though it surely is. Numerous examples of that are found in the Bible.
The Rapture, the resurrection of the body of Christ could occur at any moment. There's no prophecy that has to be fulfilled for it to ...
The trials and crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the worst of all cases of injustice. All the trials he went through were in violation of ...
Believers, and especially mature believers, may feel very alone in their service to the Lord. This presentation is provided to address that as God ...
Because of God's mercy extended to us, we should be motivated to serve Him.
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