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#33 ~ Acts 2 – What was the “tongues” speaking on that Day of Pentecost all about?

Gary Googe Nov 10

A summary study of the divine timeline of history, describing the present Dispensation of Grace and the things that led up to it. This study provides an understanding as to why Christ did not set up the kingdom He promised to the apostles and others. That kingdom has not be been cancelled, but it has been postponed to a future unknown day. Meanwhile we’re living in this present age of grace. This video takes us back to the time of Acts 2 and the coming of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost described in that chapter. It also discusses the “tongues” speaking at that point and what it was vs. how it is often wrongly defined in our time. The videos that follow this one continue with more development on this as it unfolds in Acts 2 and following. Are we in “the last days” today? All this is discussed in this video.

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