Many people assume there's just one gospel discussed in the Bible. Galatians 2:7 clearly states two. What is your understanding of this? Unfortunately ...
Contrary to what some may think, there are no sins that haven't been committed by Christians. However, their salvation remains secure because all those ...
Every believer needs to feel secure in their salvation. But what is the basis for that? Answer: Christ was judged for all of our sins. ...
Salvation occurs for anyone by believing in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as a basis for that. When someone is saved they gain ...
Is moral, religious or any other kind of personal goodness necessary to get to heaven? This question and quite a number of other related ...
What are you depending on for salvation and eternal life? Are you sure you have these things? Is there something a person must do for ...
Does God require certain works to gain eternal life? Didn’t Jesus Christ tell the “rich young ruler” that he did? Didn’t He also tell him ...
Where are we in God’s timeline of history and what is He doing today? This is my subject in this third increment of a series ...
This is my second study in a series on the divine timeline of history. God has not changed, but His program for His people certainly ...
This introduces a series on the divine timeline of history. God has not changed, but His program for His people certainly has. It's ...
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