#2 ~ Why was Jesus Christ crucified?
The Crucifixion of Christ
This was without a doubt the most important event of all history. This, of course, includes not only the death of Christ on the cross, but His resurrection. There had been rescuscitations before, but never a resurrection. Jesus Christ was the first. But there’s no good reason at all why you can’t be a part of such a blessing yourself. Acceptance of what He did will provide the same for you. He died for your sins and was miraculously raised from the grace three days later. By simply accepting by faith His payment for your sins, you, too, will some day be raised to live in a perfect resurrection body like His. You’ll enjoy all the benefits of that forever. And not because you ever did anything meritorious to earn it. The Bible clearly tells us that salvation is gained immediately through faith in this which Jesus Christ did for you. I hope you’ll accept Him today. He knows all your thoughts.