#51 ~ The Parable of the Fig Tree & the Second Coming of Christ
The Parable of The Fig Tree-Matthew 24:29-35 and II Thessalonians 2:8-13. A study on the Second Coming and the rise of the Antichrist. Where will you be during this time? That generation in which Christ gave The Parable of the Fig Tree would not have passed IF Israel had accepted Jesus as her Messiah. But because of Israel’s rejection of Him, the Second Coming has been put off to a future day. Certainly no one realized that would take as long as it has. But here we are and it still hasn’t happened. Will it? Yes! Definitely! But there will be first the Rapture of the Body of Christ Church followed by the seven years of Tribulation. It is then that Christ will finally come, removed all unbelievers and begin His thousand-year earthly kingdom.