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#175-G120 ~ Galatians 5:18-26

Gary Googe Aug 11

We now continue our study with verse eighteen of this wonderful book. Here our subject is to do with being led by the Spirit of God. Here we read that we’re not under the directives of the Mosaic Law. Instead, we’re to be led by the Spirit of God who works in conjunction with the Word of God, that is, Scripture. This is why it is so important that we become familiar with it [especially the writings of the apostle Paul] through conscientious study. 2 Timothy 2:15 even tells us how we’re to be diligent in this, meaning we need to understand and apply the principle of what is called right division. In time past people were led by the Mosaic Law in their daily life of decision-making. But that’s not the case today because so much of it is not directed to us. Remember, all Scripture is FOR us but it is not all TO us. An example I cite on this video is concerning the observance of the Sabbath–Exodus 20:8 Here in this study you’ll see how that does not relate to us today. I also point out that I have articles on our website that address all this. An example of that is listed –Sabbath Day: Are we to observe it? I then note Colossians 2:16 where our Apostle Paul makes an important statement about Sabbath-keeping.

I then continue with Galatians 5:19 and walk through giving a brief explanation of each verse to the end of the chapter. I also make some comments about 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 that relate to all this. I point out that Christians are also guilty of these things, not just unbelievers.

I hope you find the study helpful. I’m confident you will. Thank you for watching!

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