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#144-G88 ~ Galatians 3:24-26

Gary Googe Dec 17

I begin with a simple but important gospel presentation, explaining how it is that a person qualifies to go to Heaven. As simple as it is, many people don’t know about it. I Corinthians 15:1-4 and 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 lays it out. As believers, we are ALL in the ministry as far as God is concerned. We need to act like it by consistently working to share this message in every way we can.

I then go on to explain Galatians 3:24 and how this is related to our means to salvation. This verse is telling us about the purpose of the Mosaic Law in leading us to Jesus Christ and our need for Him as our Savior. Then again I point out the importance of faith to appropriate salvation. It only comes to us by faith, not our works. I then go on to look at some other passages that speak of all this–Romans 3:27-28; 5:1-2.

I then continue with our passage–Galatians 3:25. Here I continue to discuss the WORK God did in Christ to provide for our salvation. John 14:6 clearly tells us that only Christ provides the way for our salvation. Our faith must be in Him and Him alone. Then I explain the famous passage of John 3:16 and what follows there–vs. 17 & 18. Acts 4:12 stresses that only Christ is in a position to save anyone at any time. John 16:13-17 provides more development on this thing about how at that time people had to believe in the “name” of Jesus for salvation. I then explain what that means.

Then verse 26 introduces the idea of becoming a child of God. I mention it, but will develop it more in my next video.

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