#138-G84 ~ Galatians 3:22 continued
I begin with a discussion about the King James Version of the Bible, helping people understand the great value of it, but also some misunderstanding about it. Verse twenty-two is a good example about this, so I discuss it here.
I then discuss the wonderful redemptive work of Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. Here I point out the importance of the Pauline epistles as they relate to us today. It is only in Paul’s epistles that you’ll find the heart of what you need to know for salvation and the Christian life. Here I discuss the doctrine of justification by faith. Salvation isn’t what WE do about ours sins, but what Christ DID about them. Therefore, He must be the object of our faith for salvation.
Galatians 3:22 points out our need for salvation. I then explain this phrase–the faith OF Christ and how it relates to this.
Then I discuss how there’s only ONE way to Heaven–faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. That has always been the case. It is God who provides the way. I then discus John 14:6, Acts 4:12, & 1 Timothy 2:5-6. While only the Pauline verses