#130-G76 ~ Galatians 3:12 still continued
God provided a system of life for His people, Israel. That system is typically spoken of as the Law of Moses or the Mosaic Law. But salvation has ALWAYS been something man could gain by FAITH. Living by the Mosaic Law was simply how one would express his faith. However, how God has wanted man to express that faith has changed from time to time. TODAY, it is all about Christ dying for our sins, being buried, and being raised from the dead. It has been faith in that ALONE that secures salvation for people today. In this study I talk a lot about God’s grace. People are so prone to focus on their own works for God’s blessing, rather than focusing on His. Fortunately for us God has always been a God of grace. Learning that and appreciating that is what God wants from us more than anything. This is a video where I address this as my focus. It is HIS work and not ours that we should celebrate ongoing. Other passages I address in this video include Romans 6:14-15, Colossians 2:16, Galatians 2:16, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, and Romans 11:13. I close with a reminder that while all Scripture is FOR us it is not all TO us or ABOUT us.