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Showing posts related to : Salvation
#64-G10 ~ Galatians 1:1 continued

We continue with the laying of our foundation for our study of this great book written to the Galatian believers by the apostle Paul.  I ...

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#52 ~ One Year Anniversary Message

Yes, one year ago I started doing the Bible Study Videos on Facebook and YouTube. As much or more than ever, people need God's word.

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Heaven: How does a person qualify?

The Bible tells us that those who trust solely in Jesus Christ and His work, namely His death to pay the sin debt for all ...

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Salvation: How is faith the common thread?

There’s a sense in which the means to salvation has always been the same.  Essentially, it has always been by faith in the Lord and ...

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Salvation: Is the salvation of a Believer secure?

Salvation becomes a permanently settled matter for anyone who has accepted the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the sole basis for their ...

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Works: How important are they?

Salvation comes by grace through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ apart from any works on our part. There is not ...

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Salvation: Can a person be certain they are going to Heaven?

Question: How many sins can a Christian commit and still be a Christian? Don’t Christians sin? Sure they do! They should seek to avoid sin. ...

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Works: What about verses that seem to demand them for salvation?

If you speak to someone about salvation by grace through faith ALONE, have you noticed how quickly some people will quote Scripture to you? They ...

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Sex: What does the Bible say about transgenders?

The Bible tells us that in the original creation of mankind God made male and female. Genesis 1:27 27 So God created man in his own ...

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Heaven: Are there multiple ways to get there?

Some people are quick to say that it’s narrow-minded thinking that says there is only one way to heaven.  Is that the truth? What does ...

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