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Peter’s gospel

Showing posts related to : Peter’s gospel
Love:  How is it that we demonstrate ours for God?

It seems to me that the answer to this question was made plain by our Lord Jesus Christ during the time of His earthly ministry. ...

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Gospel: Where did the apostle Paul get the one he preached? 

One might assume it came from the instruction and example of the Twelve Apostles. But is that what happened? What does the apostle Paul tell ...

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#141-G87 ~ Galatians 3:22-23

Here I speak of what is sometimes called “the faith.” In this passage it represents what someone must do [or believe] to be saved and ...

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Paul:  What’s so special about his teaching?

This is the man who is said to be the apostle of the Gentiles. Romans 11:13 13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I ...

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#97-G43 ~ Galatians 2:7

I begin by discussing a basic principle many people don’t know. That principle is that ALL Scripture it FOR us, but it is not all ...

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#82-G28 ~ Galatians 1:17 continued

#82-G28 ~ On our website, 4Us2UsMinistries.com, you’ll now find an article giving 16 differences between Peter and Paul’s messages. It is called, Gospels: Did Peter ...

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#81-G27 ~ Galatians 1:17

#81-G27 ~ If you don’t believe Peter & Paul were commissioned with different gospels, you will here be shown some of the MANY differences. Denominationalism ...

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#80-G26 Galatians 1:14-17

As we’ve seen, salvation comes by grace through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.  I Corinthians 15:1-4 spells that out clearly.  If ...

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Peter & Paul: Did they proclaim the same message?

Let us take a look at what the Scriptures tell us. In the list below, you will find many things that clearly represent significant differences ...

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Mystery:  What is this secret that Paul wrote about?

The apostle Paul wrote about what he called a mystery, certain things that God had kept secret until they were revealed to and through him.  ...

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