I have found that most believers have no idea what these words were, let alone their significance. Are YOU familiar with them? You’ll know by ...
My first comments on this video are about the meaning of the title of this ministry – 4Us2UMinistries.com We have a rare but extremely important ...
I begin with a brief review of the fact that while all the Bible is FOR us it is not all TO us or about ...
Here the apostle Paul sets himself up as OUR example. The fact of the matter is that if you want to “follow Christ” today, you ...
You may not think this is an important question, but it is. That’s because the controversy over the correct answer has produced a lot of ...
This is the man who is said to be the apostle of the Gentiles. Romans 11:13 13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I ...
Probably the first thing one needs to know about God’s program for our time is that it is clearly said to have been a mystery ...
Who is this man, the apostle Paul? Is it possible for us to make too much of him and his teaching? If you think we ...
Salvation is instantaneous! Spiritual growth is a process. If you accept the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as the sole basis for eternal life, ...
That may look like a silly question. But have you ever thought about it? In answer to the question, I think many people would say, ...
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