I have heard people ask this question all my adult life. What is the correct answer? As always, we will look at what God tells ...
Let us take a look at what the Scriptures tell us. In the list below, you will find many things that clearly represent significant differences ...
There are people who think God does this. They believe man’s will is really not a factor and that he is not free to operate ...
The working of miracles and more of Mark 16 has stumped many believers. What are we to think of this? Are God’s people supposed to ...
If when I began my preparation for the ministry someone had told me there was more than one “gospel” presented in the Bible, I would ...
Some people are quick to say that it’s narrow-minded thinking that says there is only one way to heaven. Is that the truth? What does ...
The Bible tells us that those who trust solely in Jesus Christ and His work, namely His death to pay the sin debt for all ...
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