In the time frame of Acts 2-4 and more, God's people were commanded to have all material things in common. Is that God's policy for ...
I Corinthians 11:1 tells us we are to follow the apostle Paul. Is that different from following Christ's teaching in His EARTHLY ministry? It certainly ...
Jesus Christ~The greatest of all gifts. God provided a savior so that salvation is available as a gift for all. A way was provided so ...
What priority do you give to learning God's word? We are told in Scripture that God's teaching should be seen as more important than even ...
Are you aware of the multiple baptisms in the Bible? What does the apostle Paul mean when he speaks of there being just ONE baptism ...
Water baptism is clearly one of the most controversial of subjects in church doctrine. What are we to think about it? No mater what position ...
Intro to Acts 3, then back to Acts 2 -- Israel's rejection of her King and the setting aside of Israel. This being followed by ...
What confusion there is on the subject of water baptism in churches today! What is your position on it? Beware that EVERY position on it ...
Jesus Christ bore our sins in His own body on the cross. Faith in His death, burial, and resurrection provides salvation once and for ...
A summary study of the divine timeline of history, describing the present Dispensation of Grace and the things that led up to it. This study ...
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