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#128-G74 ~ Galatians 3:12

Gary Googe Sep 10

My mother-in-law recently passed away at 99 years old. But what a pleasure it was to better get to know her as I did her last year here. She had macular degeneration for some years. Because of that she was unable to read. She had some peripheral vision, but that is all. So, one day she asked me if I’d read one of my books to her over the phone. I gladly agreed to do it and over the next few months we went through one chapter at a time. The book she picked was, Discovering God’s Rich Blessing in time of suffering. What a wonderful time those next few months were for both of us! I think you’ll find all I say about and this and this wonderful lady very interesting.

I spend a lot of time on this video talking about the tremendous importance of investing one’s time in studying God’s word on a DAILY basis. I also talk about the importance of believers spending time trying to reach out to others with the gospel message about Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. I think you’ll find it all quite helpful.

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