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#67-G13 ~ Galatians 1:1 continued

Gary Googe Jul 10
This is a continuation of our introduction to the book of Galatians. We discussed the identity of the apostle Paul, the meaning of the word–apostle, where Paul got his authority, then a discussion about the identity of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul is our apostle, not Peter. The ministry of the Twelve Apostles was direct to Israel. Both Peter and Paul were surely great men of God, but it is Paul who is the apostle to the Gentiles. It is, therefore, through this man that we get God’s instructions for us regarding the way to salvation and much more. As we’ll see later in this series of lessons from this book of Galatians, Paul and Peter had two separate ministries. To fail to see the difference means disaster for one’s Christian life. Only when you get these things understood and believed can you have true peace of mind about where you’re headed when you leave this world. In this video, the main topic is to do with the identity of Jesus Christ. Who is He? The basic answer is that He is our Savior. I’ll cover quite a few passages related to all this–Titus 2:13; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; John 3:16-17; Romans 8:38-39; I Timothy 1:14 and II Timothy 1:13. I then discuss God’s love and the meaning of the name, Jesus and the term, Christ. The Bible is filled with information that proves to be beneficial to us. Therefore, we should all see ourselves as disciples, that is, students of God’s word. Finally, I briefly discuss the subject of the trinity. God is one in essence, but three in personality. I hope you find all this helpful.
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