#59-G5 ~ Galatians 1:1 continued
Welcome to another session of study on this fabulous book of Galatians! It is amazing how so many believers have overlooked the importance and significance of the apostle Paul. Apart from the revelation given to him to give to us, we wouldn’t even have a means of understanding the way to heaven. That information is only given in the writings of the apostle Paul. Everything leading up to Paul’s writings is to do with the establishment of an earthly kingdom and man’s means to being a part of it. There are many places where Paul discusses this subject of salvation and man’s way to secure his place in heaven, but I Corinthians 15:1-4 is probably the simplest and clearest. We’ll look again at that passage and more as we continue with out layout of a foundation for the study of this great book. I hope you enjoy it.