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#36 ~ Acts 3 and back to Acts 2 study

Gary Googe Dec 24

Intro to Acts 3, then back to Acts 2 — Israel’s rejection of her King and the setting aside of Israel. This being followed by the present age of grace of which we are a part of today. This is a study of one of the most important passages of the Bible because it is a part of what was to be the interruption of one thing and the introduction of something entirely new. There’s a lot of confusion today about what was going on then. It’s important that you understand the meaning of it all and how it does and does not relate to you today. That’s why I’m reviewing in this recording some things I covered earlier. From all this it is clear that the present age of grace did not begin on the Day of Pentecost, as so many wrongly believe. Our present age of grace began with the salvation of Saul (who later became known as Paul) as described in Acts 7.

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