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#157-G103 – Galatians 4:13-14

Gary Googe Apr 07

Can a Christian lie? Can a Christian commit fornication? To what extent can a Christian sin? These are questions I address on the front end of this video. What confusion there is about this! Asking a question like this always flushes out the legalistic people in the crowd. What they always want to say is that a “true” Christian won’t do such things. What are we to think of this? You’ll find the answer to this and more on this video.

I go on in this study discussing the importance of the apostle’ Paul’s teaching. He truly is OUR apostle, not Peter or any of the others. It is Paul who gives us the directives today for salvation and the Christian way of life. To mix it with the Mosaic Law is what some of the Galatians were doing. And this epistle is designed to address that problem that exists even today. A major part of what we’re to be doing today is to be learning what it is that we’re to do today that will please our Lord.

Here we then continue with our study of Galatians 4 but in our last session we were looking at Philippians 3:2-9. The warning given there is about false teachers. Do we have them today? There’s never been a generation when these people weren’t around. Here Paul warns us about these people. And Paul is one to warn us about this because as a Pharisee he had all the religious credentials. But the reality is that at that time he was unsaved as many “religious” churchgoers are today.

We then go to 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. We look at this often on this website because of the extreme importance of it. This passage explains to us what Christ accomplished at the cross. I close out with this passage explaining how it is that EVERY believer is to see himself as someone in “the ministry” and what that means.

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