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#126-G72 ~ Galatians 3:9 & Genesis 3:1-21

Gary Googe Aug 26

Our subject again is more on this which is called justification by faith.  The heart of the matter is to do with believing something God has said about something.  In the case of Abraham it was to do with God’s promise concerning his progeny.  For us today it is to do with what Jesus Christ accomplished for us through His death, burial, and resurrection.  If our faith is in that as the sole basis for our salvation, that salvation is secured for us.

People naturally tend to think that they must DO something for salvation.  They suppose that their own works of righteousness have something or everything to do with securing it.  Works do have everything to do with it, but it is not OUR works.  It is the one work of Christ that was accomplished through His death, burial, and resurrection.  Anytime a person puts their faith in that for salvation, they are then credited with the very righteousness of Christ for the justification and salvation.  All these things and more are reviewed here from our last video.

I John 2:2 is where we continue.  Here we note that Christ satisfied the justice of God through His reconciliatory work, His death, burial, and resurrection.  Christ bore our sins in His body to provide this for us.  It doesn’t save everyone, but it does make everyone savable.

Next we go to begin a study of Genesis 3:1-21 where we’ll see the background of justification by faith.  The way one’s faith is expressed has changed from time to time, but salvation has always been about man’s faith, not his works.  We here examine the background for this, looking at its time of origin and numerous things that were a part of that.


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