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#116-G62 ~ Galatians-backed up to 2:20-21

Gary Googe Jun 17

Here’s what I think you’ll see as a summary of exactly what a person must believe to be saved. This is a special session because somehow I overlooked these last two verses of Galatians 2 when we were studying there. Here I discuss God’s marvelous grace. Salvation is BY grace through faith alone, but people tend to want to put their own works into it. But Scripture is plain that salvation comes by grace through faith ALONE [Romans 4:4-5 & Ephesians 2:8-9]. Most of the time people think they have to address their sin problem themselves to be saved. But such is not the case because of what Christ did about the sin problem for all mankind. Learning about that is the good news of the gospel message. The problem of sin has been dealt with completely. By simply accepting what Christ did about it through His death, burial, and resurrection, salvation is provided instantly. What peace of mind it provides when this is accepted!

I conclude this study by discussing what happens at the Last Judgment [the Great White Throne Judgment] discussed in Revelation 20:11-15. There you’ll see that it is not sin but works that are judged or evaluated at that time. In every case they will be shown to be deficient. Only by faith in Christ alone and His provision does anyone gain salvation.

I think you’ll appreciate the truth presented in this video. Enjoy!

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