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#106-G52 ~ Galatians 2:10-13

Gary Googe Apr 01

Here we’ll do a little review, but we then move right on with our passage. The apostle Paul collected an offering for the poor saints [believers] in Jerusalem. Because of Israel’s unbelief and rejection of her Messiah, the whole program broke down. Instead of the promised Kingdom on Earth coming, it was put off to a future day. The prophetic program was interrupted, God saved Saul of Tarsus who came to be known as the apostle Paul, and through him God brought in [dispensed] a whole new program, the Dispensation of the Grace of God. Therefore, instead of a golden age of plenty coming about, poverty set in on God’s people who had sold their possessions and distributed the proceeds to anyone who was in need. Because of the poverty that had come to these people, Paul collected an offering from Gentile churches to provide them with some relief. Out of this situation comes much of the information God wants His people to have concerning spiritual giving. Since the Mosaic Law has been now set aside, so has tithing. Contrary to what most churches teach these days, a different giving policy was put in place that DOES NOT include tithing. There’s much information about all this recorded in II Corinthians 8 & 9. There are at least two full articles on this subject on our website – 4Us2UsMinistries.com – entitled–Giving: What are the principles for the believer / Giving: What are the basics on giving?

On the video I state that there are three primary areas for giving today. 1–To those devoted to teaching the Bible 2– To those teaching the Bible in mission work 3–Impoverished believers [as were those in Jerusalem at the time of Acts 2 & 4].

I point out that people who are unwilling to work should not be offered support by a local church as noted in II Thessalonians 3:6-12. Supporting people who won’t work only increases poverty.

I then go over a very interesting and wonderful event concerning giving found in Matthew 26:6-13. As you’ll see, what great lessons we can learn from this situation.

In the last part of the video we’ll look at several more verses in our Galatians 2 passage. Here we cover some important principles pertaining to hypocrisy. In this case it was Simon Peter who was guilty of this. All this is very practical information. I hope you find it helpful.

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