We begin with a look at the self-righteous people who came into the picture here to “correct” the teachings of the apostle Paul. As we’ve ...
I begin with some review on the gospel given to us and the principle given in II Timothy 2:15 that speaks of the importance of ...
This video is a little interruption to our study of Galatians. Because of all the confusion about the means to salvation, I decided to do ...
In nearly every church or religious group you can name, doing good for acceptance by God is a part of what is taught. If you ...
How do works play into one’s salvation? We’ve been looking at a list of things people do to gain their salvation. We’re addressing the question ...
Over fifty years ago I wrote a “gospel tract” to help people understand what was most important in life. This was simply a little pamphlet ...
We go back for a brief review of Acts 2:38 and discuss the concept of repentance and baptism, both of which were required at that ...
Nearly everyone, even every church goer you will ever meet, thinks personal works of some kind have something to do with the attainment of salvation ...
Salvation comes by grace through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ apart from any works on our part. There is not ...
If you speak to someone about salvation by grace through faith ALONE, have you noticed how quickly some people will quote Scripture to you? They ...
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