Are you aware that there a people who believe EVERYONE without exception WILL end up in Heaven? In times past, and even with many now, ...
When asked if he thought he was going to Heaven when he died, a man said yes because he thought his good points outweighed his ...
What must a person accept to be saved FOREVER?
Many years ago, I followed the teachings of a pastor who spoke of human good and divine good. It was the first time I’d really ...
Most churchgoers would reply saying, “What do you mean which one? I thought there was just one gospel in the Bible.” Isn’t this what some ...
We’re now entering a section of this chapter of Ephesians that addresses the most important but most controversial subject of the Bible—How can a person ...
We now move into a passage of Scripture that deals with the most controversial subject of the Bible– What must a person DO or BELIEVE ...
First, we need to be sure we understand the meaning of salvation. What exactly are we saved from? Here’s a good starter verse on that— ...
Another way of stating this is to ask—Does the presence of personal sin in your life ever cause you to wonder if you’re truly saved. ...
Ephesians 2:1 begins with this, taking us from physical life to spiritual life. We begin with this on this video and go from there.
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