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Right Division

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Prayer:  Why doesn’t God always give us what we ask? 

What did our Lord promise regarding this? Here are His words. Matthew 7:7-11 7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; ...

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#198 ~ What’s so special about the Apostle Paul’s writings?

Who is this man, Paul to us? I’ve learned through the years that most people, even church leaders don’t know. Do you? If you don’t, ...

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Division: Why can’t Christians get along? 

We all typically want to run from where there’s conflict. We all know that it usually doesn’t draw people to want to be a part ...

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#161-G107 ~ Galatians 4:13-17

I begin by discussing the importance of understanding this principle that I so often mention–the principle that says all Scripture is FOR us it is ...

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4Us2Us:  What does this mean?

4Us2Us Ministries is primarily concerned with the fact that although all the Bible is FOR us [4Us], it is not all TO us [2Us] or ...

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Prayer:  What about those unanswered prayers?

Have you ever prayed for something, but it seemed your prayer went unanswered? People often speak of this.  What are we to think about it? ...

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Spiritual Growth: What are three of the hardest words to utter?

Salvation is instantaneous! Spiritual growth is a process.  If you accept the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as the sole basis for eternal life, ...

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Prayer: Is “The Lord’s Prayer” a model prayer for us today?

As God’s people we have been given access to Him through prayer. Ephesians 2:18 18 For through him [Jesus Christ] we both have access by one ...

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