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Showing posts related to : Rapture
Rapture:  Is there anything about it in The Four Gospels?

Some people have asked— “Didn’t both Matthew and Luke write about it?” Matthew 24:40-42 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be ...

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Rapture:  Does this occur before The Tribulation?

There are many people today who don’t even know about The Rapture, let alone believe in it.  What do YOU know about it? You’ll find ...

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Rapture:  Who was the first to reveal this? 

What is called the Rapture is NOT the same event as that which is called the Second Coming of Christ.  If you want to see ...

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Prophecy:  Is any being fulfilled today?

What so many people fail to realize is that our time now in history is stated plainly in the Bible to have been a mystery, ...

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Rapture:  How is this different from the Second Coming?

The word Rapture is nowhere found in the Bible, but the event this term is used to represent certainly is.  It is called this because ...

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Antichrist:  Is he alive today?

Some who read this may initially know nothing about this person called the antichrist.  If that’s the case with you, the Bible tells us of ...

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Death: Are deceased Christians now in heaven?

In answering this important question, the first thing we need to do is define what it means to be a Christian.  In other words, how ...

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Rapture: What is the meaning of this term?

The term “Rapture” is used by Christians in this present Dispensation of Grace for the moment of their resurrection. Suddenly all believers of our time ...

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#12 ~ The Rapture – The next really great event in history.

The Rapture, the resurrection of the body of Christ could occur at any moment. There's no prophecy that has to be fulfilled for it to ...

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Resurrection:  What will your resurrection body be like?

If not sooner, the older you get the more you are going to look forward to a new and perfect body.  Everyone eventually gets a ...

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