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Showing posts related to : Prophecy
Date-setting:  What should we all know about this?

All my adult life of over a half century I’ve known of people who predicted dates over one thing or another.  Sometimes they’d say they ...

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Prophecy:  Is any being fulfilled today?

What so many people fail to realize is that our time now in history is stated plainly in the Bible to have been a mystery, ...

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Prophecy:  Will believers of our time go through The Tribulation?

This is a question that is often asked and debated.  Here I’m speaking of the teaching that says believers of our time will go through ...

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Dispensations: When did ours begin?

Probably the first thing one needs to know about God’s program for our time is that it is clearly said to have been a mystery ...

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Bible:  What are The Two Programs?

People would be prone to think the Old and New Testaments are the two programs.  But is that true?  To understand the truth about this, ...

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