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Showing posts related to : Mystery
God:  Can you count on Him to meet your needs?

God does promise to meet our needs in this Dispensation of Grace of which we are a part today.  However, in the second part of ...

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Rapture:  Is there anything about it in The Four Gospels?

Some people have asked— “Didn’t both Matthew and Luke write about it?” Matthew 24:40-42 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be ...

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Rapture:  Does this occur before The Tribulation?

There are many people today who don’t even know about The Rapture, let alone believe in it.  What do YOU know about it? You’ll find ...

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Date-setting:  What should we all know about this?

All my adult life of over a half century I’ve known of people who predicted dates over one thing or another.  Sometimes they’d say they ...

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Rapture:  Who was the first to reveal this? 

What is called the Rapture is NOT the same event as that which is called the Second Coming of Christ.  If you want to see ...

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Church: Did John 10:16 predict the church of today? 

Let us begin by first looking at this verse in its context. John 10:14-18 14 I [Jesus the Christ] am the good shepherd, and know my ...

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Paul:  Who exactly is this man to us? 

This article will be a summary of all the basic but very important things everyone needs to know about the apostle Paul and particularly his ...

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Grace: Is our message new? 

I know this may be hard to believe, but we have people today who try to tell us our message and our theology is new ...

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Mystery:  What is the fellowship of the Mystery? 

It is only in the writings of the great apostle Paul that we find this “mystery” I present in this article. Ephesians 3:2-4, 8-9 2 If ...

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#189 ~ What is this “mystery” the apostle Paul speaks of?

After accepting the means for your salvation that God has graciously provided, there’s nothing more important than this. I’m confident you’ll find this study quite ...

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