When King David passed the rulership of Israel to his Son, Solomon, he gave him some excellent advice that resulted in him becoming a very ...
As with so many things, the Bible provides us with correct answers. We’ll address several marital situations one at a time. Can an unmarried man ...
A more basic question about this is to ask why God permits sin of any kind? It is because when He created man, He gave ...
We find that originally God created one woman for one man. Genesis 2:21-24 21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he ...
In Genesis, the book of beginnings, we have the first marriage. God first made the man, Adam, but saw that there was a need for ...
As I’m writing this, my grandson, Gary Googe III is about to get married. I have three beautiful granddaughters, but just one handsome grandson. My ...
There’s much that can be said about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. As always, I’ll try to be brief but thorough as we look at some ...
The Bible tells us that in the original creation of mankind God made male and female. Genesis 1:27 27 So God created man in his own ...
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