The simple but correct answer to this is that those who are spoken of as Old Testament prophets didn’t! They knew nothing about it. Even ...
Because there are so many verses in the King James Version of the Bible that fit this description, there’s not enough space in this article ...
In literally every generation the Bible is under attack. From the time it was first completed, the attack has been relentless. Aside from man’s sinful ...
In what sense is the Bible inspired? What exactly does it mean to say it is inspired? Is this like a composer being inspired to ...
I guess you know that the KJV term is used to refer to the King James Version of the Bible. In that title it always ...
The short answer to that question is no. But is education a hindrance to one’s study of the Bible? Of course not! It takes an ...
Many dedicated students of God’s Word believe that the KJV, the King James Version of the Bible, is the only reliable English translation. This includes ...
Your first question may be…what is the best Bible translation or version to study? As I write this in 2021, I believe it is still ...
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