Hopefully you realize that the day will come when you WILL meet Him face-to-face. Are you prepared for that day? Romans 14:11-12 11 For it is ...
As I’ve mentioned in other articles on this website, God’s people will be in two different places in the afterlife. Some will reside on a ...
It seems this is something you’ll often hear from family and friends around the casket of a loved one and/or at a memorial service/funeral. Is ...
The Bible clearly tells us that what Jesus Christ did on the cross of Calvary was done for all mankind. No exceptions! 1 Timothy 2:3-6 ...
Some people certainly think so! I graduated from a seminary where this was taught. Every true “Calvinist” believed that God had already decided on this ...
I can still remember being asked this question over fifty years ago. And even though I’ve spent a lifetime studying the Bible, my beliefs about ...
Will there be suffering after death in literal fire for unbelievers? That’s a question that is asked, but there’s another one that is also asked. ...
What happens to a person when they die? What a variety of opinions there are about this! One of the beliefs that seems to have ...
My first thought on this is that a lot of people certainly hope such a place as Purgatory exists. But what’s the truth about this? ...
Please note what this passage says. You may have never seen it before or understood it, but what is it telling us? Acts 2:31 31 He ...
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