I begin with some brief comments explaining the meaning of the title of this ministry. We are 4Us2UsMinistries.com The whole Bible is FOR us but ...
The first thing we need to note is that Peter and the other apostles were not commissioned with the same gospel as the apostle Paul. ...
Most people today would say they didn’t know there was more than one. They would immediately think of what is typically called The Great Commission. ...
I think people assume the twelve apostles were saved the same way people are saved today. But is that true? People are saved today by ...
I begin with some review on the gospel given to us and the principle given in II Timothy 2:15 that speaks of the importance of ...
There are many people who believe that even though Jesus Christ paid the full penalty for the sins of the entire world, forgiveness of personal ...
John 3:16 is probably the most well-known verse in the Bible. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that ...
Over fifty years ago I wrote a “gospel tract” to help people understand what was most important in life. This was simply a little pamphlet ...
We continue with our study of Paul’s teaching about what he speaks of as HIS gospel. As we’ve noted, he’s making a distinction between his ...
Over fifty years ago I wrote a “gospel tract” to help people understand what was most important in life. This was simply a little pamphlet ...
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