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Showing posts related to : Children
Infants:  Do they go to Heaven when they die? 

King David, among others, acknowledges that infants are all born sinners because they all inherit a sinful nature. Psalm 51:5  5 Behold, I was shapen in ...

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Accountability:  When does it begin?

I feel like I’ve heard and read things about this all my life, but what are we to believe? What conclusions should we have about ...

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Family:  What kind of Spiritual Legacy are you leaving them?

I don’t think most people even give this a thought.  What is your thinking on this?  Are you as a parent only leaving them with ...

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Authority: Is it okay for men to be placed under the authority of women?

Let us first notice what is meant by the word authority.  Here are several definitions I have found. The authority principle refers to a person’s ...

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