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Showing posts related to : Calvinism
Calvinism: Is it a false teaching? 

We mid-Acts Dispensational people are sometimes mistakenly labeled as false teachers.  The same is true if you believe Christ died, making full payment for the ...

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Salvation:  Does God desire it for everyone? 

A part of the good news God has for us today is that He desires for everyone in all the world to end up in ...

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Calvinism:  Does Romans 9:14-18 support it? 

Calvinism is the Protestant theological system of a man named John Calvin and his successors.  This is a system of thought many people have accepted.  When Scripture is ...

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Ephesians 2:8:  Is it salvation or faith that is the gift of God?

There are those who say that it is faith and not salvation that is “the gift of God” spoken of in this verse.  Is that ...

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Predestination:  Does God predetermine who’s going to Hell?

Some people certainly think so! I graduated from a seminary where this was taught.  Every true “Calvinist” believed that God had already decided on this ...

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Election:  What should we believe about this?

What is this? That may be your first question.  What is this “election” about? No, it is not about politics! In case you don’t know, ...

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Calvinism:  Does God love ALL mankind?

I know for some that will look like a foolish question, and I completely understand that.  But there are people, even many pastors of today, ...

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Jesus Christ:  For whom did He die?

There are millions of people who not only don’t know the answer to this, but they don’t even know the true reason why He died.  ...

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God:  Does He love everyone?

Even though there’s a lot that can be said about this, so many people are familiar with this one verse of Scripture that seems to ...

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Calvinism: What is it all about?

You may have never heard of this, but nearly every pastor has.  And whether you know it or not, many pastors have been influenced by ...

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