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Showing posts related to : Paul
Apostles:  Was Matthias the rightful replacement for Judas? 

I can still remember how around fifty years ago I was taught that he wasn’t and that it was the apostle Paul who was the ...

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Paul:  Who exactly is this man to us? 

This article will be a summary of all the basic but very important things everyone needs to know about the apostle Paul and particularly his ...

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#205-EP5 ~ The Apostle Paul and Ephesians intro

It has been rightly said that outside of our Lord Jesus Christ, Moses and Paul are the two greatest men in history. Certainly the secular ...

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#203-EP3 ~ Continued introduction to this fabulous book of Ephesians.

We’re still studying the first word of the first verse—Paul. He is the author of this fabulous book. I think you’ll be very pleased with ...

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#201-EP1 ~ Intro to a new Bible series covering the book of Ephesians

Introduction to a wonderful piece of work by the great apostle Paul.

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Grace: Is our message new? 

I know this may be hard to believe, but we have people today who try to tell us our message and our theology is new ...

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#198 ~ What’s so special about the Apostle Paul’s writings?

Who is this man, Paul to us? I’ve learned through the years that most people, even church leaders don’t know. Do you? If you don’t, ...

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#197 ~ The apostle Paul’s last words to us

I have found that most believers have no idea what these words were, let alone their significance. Are YOU familiar with them? You’ll know by ...

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#160-G106 ~ Galatians 4:13-17

My first comments on this video are about the meaning of the title of this ministry – 4Us2UMinistries.com We have a rare but extremely important ...

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#154-G100 ~ Galatians 4:11-12a

I begin with a brief review of the fact that while all the Bible is FOR us it is not all TO us or about ...

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