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Showing posts related to : Grace
#232-EP32 ~ How does one pass from death unto life?

Ephesians 2:1 begins with this, taking us from physical life to spiritual life.  We begin with this on this video and go from there.

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Sins:  Are there some true Christians would never commit? 

Haven’t you ever heard someone say—A true born-again Christian would never do something like that.  They may not say it quite that way, but I ...

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Grace: Is our message new? 

I know this may be hard to believe, but we have people today who try to tell us our message and our theology is new ...

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Questions: What are the main ones?

If you were to die today and our Lord asked you why He should let you into Heaven, what would you say? This is a ...

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Grace:  What can we learn about it in the Bible? 

What an important word this is! The Bible tells us some wonderful things about it. How is it used there?  The Greek word from which ...

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#170-G115 ~ Galatians 5:8-11

These verses serve to point out that there are all kinds of teachings that can infiltrate a group to cause them to think that religious ...

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Salvation:  Are we saved because of our commitment to Christ? 

Off and on all my life I’ve heard people say that to be saved and someday be able to get into Heaven there must be ...

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Salvation:  What part does man’s work play in it?

It is not hard to see why there are people who think man’s works have a part in his salvation.  I completely understand that.  After ...

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Salvation: What does it mean to fall from grace?

We have one key verse of Scripture that speak of this in the King James Version of the Bible.  Galatians 5:4 4 Christ is become of ...

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#137–G83 ~ Galatians 3:21-22

I begin by pointing out some things about salvation and the grace of God. Our works have nothing to do with it. I Corinthians 15:1-4 ...

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